De Database Experts!
Microsoft SQL Server has been used more and more in recent years. SQL Server management ensures a reliable and stable environment. Experience shows that SQL server management is often done on the side. One of our SQL database administrators can take care of the management of your environment and ensure a reliable environment. employs SQL Server experts who can unburden you by performing management and maintenance on your Microsoft SQL database. Our SQL DBAs have the knowledge and experience to unburden your IT department. Thanks to our solid experience in SQL Server Management and administration, we guarantee a reliable environment for you and your users.
The SLA program is aimed at ensuring that your environment functions in a stable manner. If necessary, you can also call on our SQL Expert to perform work in your SQL environment. By using our Microsoft SQL Server management management, your environment will continue to function optimally and stably. Our Microsoft SQL Server Support offers support in its most extensive form, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.
If necessary, we can provide extensive SQL support. for example when migrating the MSSQL environment to a new version. If this issue concerns you, we would be happy to put you in touch with our SQL database specialist. He or she can always advise you on the most suitable solution.
We regularly set up High Availability environments for our customers. An ms sql dba from has the knowledge and experience necessary for this. Thorough SQL Server database management is of the utmost importance, especially in highly business-critical environments. The SQL dba that sets up your environment has the necessary knowledge and it documents this so that our other SQL database experts also know exactly what your MSSQL environment looks like.
The 24/7 monitoring and proactive management services are extremely reliable!
Jack Buitenkant, IT manager has various SQL Services that we provide. For example, we perform health checks, we can tune performance and we migrate environments. Our experienced SQL Database Adminstrators are happy to assist you in setting up and migrating to your new environment. They are also your point of contact for sql support on your Microsoft sql database . The sql server management is in good hands with us. Every SQL Server database administrator at is a real sql specialist.
Contact, the SQL Server specialist, to see how we can unburden you by providing our Microsoft SQL Server Support. We are happy to use our specialized sql server dba for you for this.
The management of your MS SQL environment is already possible from € 177,–
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